Quest for the Dragon's Eye      

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Asrai

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Blade

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Boots

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Callwynne

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Emil

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Ferryk

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Litha

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Mattea

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Merialla

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Rafe

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Ril

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Sardielle

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Y'sarn









Rafe Bonchance

appears as a lightly tanned, relatively tall and slender human (6'1"), weighing a little over 18 stone. His somewhat curly brown hair is cut short, not quite reaching his collar. His sapphire blue eyes always seem to dance in mischief or merriment, it's often hard to tell which. A neatly trimmed mustache and goatee fail to hide a mouth that is nearly always smiling. He typically dresses in a white linen shirt with swordsman's sleeves tucked into dark blue breeches. A dark blue tunic with slashes in the sleeves is worn over the shirt. He wears knee-high pull-on soft black boots with the tops rolled over. An elven cloak of shifting grey color is worn over everything, closed at the throat with a simple silver brooch in the shape of a coin. Beneath the cloak, he is seldom seen not wearing his rucksack.
His belt is balanced on one side by a saber with a worn-looking hilt, and on the other by a stiletto. Spaced around the belt are sevral smaller pouches holding various belongings. Hilts of throwing knives protrude from both boottops, and the tip of another hilt can occasionally be seen at the back of his collar.

Rafe wears several pieces of jewelry. On the middle finger of his right hand is a white gold band with tiny symbols in the band and an emerald setting. On the ring finger of his right hand is plain silver band adorned on the outside by a shining, featureless disk of silver. On the middle finger of his left hand is a white gold ring with a rearing lion on the left and right side whose paws hold up a coiled sleeping dragon.

Rafe's trusted friend and primary mount, Lucky is a Cormyrian Thoroughbred. He is a solid brown, with a darker brown mane and tail. Standing at 14.3 hands, Lucky is not over-large but well bred. He has a fine, straight-profiled head with large, wide-set eyes, a deep chest, oblique shoulders, a short, well-shaped back, and sound legs and feet.

Standing at 14 hands is Rafe's newly aquired mount, Fortune. Of unknown breeding, Fortune is a light riding horse, that is a solid medium-grey with black mane and tail. He has a medium-sized head with rather long ears, a long, muscular neck, compact body with powerful shoulders and quarters, and hard limbs.

Although a large animal already, Jinx is still a pup. Jinx has medium length shimmering gold fur, and resembles a labrador in basic shape. The most noticable difference would be the shorter pointed ears and is slimmer over-all. Jinx has a kindly, intelligent expression and has an air of self-confidence. Currently, Jinx stands at 34 inches and already weighs in at a whopping 100 pounds.

Background and buttons by Celtic Web Art

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