Quest for the Dragon's Eye      

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Asrai

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Blade

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Boots

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Callwynne

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Emil

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Ferryk

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Litha

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Mattea

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Merialla

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Rafe

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Ril

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Sardielle

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Y'sarn










is a rather large lad obviously human, wearing black trousers of a loose cut and strange material, ivory cotton shirt with sleeves that have the swordsman's cut and a black vest made of the same material as the trousers. On his wrists are a matching pair of black bracers with electrum trim. Over his shoulders lies a grey cloak pinned rather loosely with a brooch in the shape of some flower and dagger. The black boots are high, soft suede coming to the knees and are worn outside of the trousers. His steel grey eyes are direct, and unwavering and his head is clean of hair that you can see except for a scraggley knotted beard of white hair and what may have been at one time a similarly white ponytail at the back. Of note that you can see is a leather belt harnessing two identical battle axes and a knife at the back the hip. Accompanying Ferryk is a large ugly black dog and on his shoulder a largish lump that squirms occasionally in muffled protests.

Currently Ferryk has a rather large golden warhorse with a light golden full mane and tail, there is a white star on it's chest. This steed stands at an impressive 16 hands tall, and has a massive, arched neck; a long, deep body with a broad back; short, powerful loins and a sloping croup, and strong relatively short legs (slightly feathered) with hard hooves. He is very energetic and good natured. The horse has saddle, bit and bridle   all made from the same fine black leather (as soft and supple as honey leather). The horses gear is studded with silver and has silver fittings.

Scrub (Ferryk's regular mount) isn't a pretty horse by any means (he is similar to the australian waler with differences as noted). He stands at just under 15 hands and has a shaggy, black coat, mane and tail. His legs are short and powerful with very hard blue hooves similar to the Steppe mounts of north-eastern Narfell.

Ferryk's other horse, called a Comyrian Don is a lighter breed commonly found and bred in the northern parts of Cormyr for quick, light battlemounts. She is chestnut thru-out her colorations, with the exception of white stockings as well as the white stripe down her throat. 

One of Ferryk's companions is the dog he calls 'Pig'. Pig is similar to a Bull Mastiff in most respects, but has more of a thicker medium length coat and is black in his colorations. Pig is also somewhat larger than his cousin, he stands at 32 inches and weighs over 200 pounds. This seemingly docile beast has a very hardy appitite, and he also snores as well as drools when sleeping. Pig's jaws are strong enough that when he bites, he can break a mans thigh bone.

Ferryk's other companion, the lump under his cloak, is Talon. Talon is a shimmering black Dragonette of unusual nature. Although young, this dragonette is already 15 inches long and weighs 9 pounds. It has gossamer wings that are somewhat batlike in shape and are a slight gray, but still very dark. It has gold talons and fingers on the wings and has sky blue eyes.

Background and buttons by Celtic Web Art

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