Quest for the Dragon's Eye      

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Asrai

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Blade

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Boots

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Callwynne

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Emil

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Ferryk

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Litha

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Mattea

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Merialla

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Rafe

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Ril

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Sardielle

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Y'sarn










Is a 6' tall, human-looking male with not a single hair on his body. In the place of hair are cobalt-blue tattoos that can be seen on every bare patch of skin. His eyes are the color of a fresh, new sunflower on a sunny day (sharp yellow.) His features are angular and extremely sharp, somewhat like an underfed elf. Even down to his angular jaw, almost squred. He wears very simple brown robes that cover all but his hands and head, pulled tight to his emaciated body with a golden rope. From his left ear dangles 6 silver chains, each but the longest
holds a silver rune. The longest holds an encapulated crystal and a golden feather 6" in length. His right ear has a silver loop studded with diamonds and a chain that goes to a cuff attached to the upper portion of his ear.
Above the cuff is a deep purple stone in the shape of a heart. Above that is a silver arrow. Below the cuff is a blood-red star. His tattooed feet bear simple leather sandals.


Let us give fair warning to the ladies and even some gents, Mattea likes to work out of a morning and does some pretty nice high kicks...which is ab out when it becomes apparent that he wears nothing beneath those robes. And yes, for those of you that are wondering...those tattoos cover everything.

This odd man is made even more odd when seen on his mount, a bull Elk (17 pointer no less).

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