Quest for the Dragon's Eye      

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Asrai

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Blade

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Boots

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Callwynne

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Emil

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Ferryk

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Litha

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Mattea

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Merialla

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Rafe

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Ril

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Sardielle

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Y'sarn










Asrai is tall for gold elf, he stands about 5'7" and has crystal blue eyes. His skin is a light alabaster, and his hair, what little is seen is a midnight black.

Asrai wears a wide brimmed black had, and has a black scarf that currently  lies open and exposing his face. His black breaches are reinforced with leather in places that would wear through quickly, and his black shirt, is well tailored and reinforced with thicker cloth where it would tear easily. He wears a black doublet that again has a light leather reinforcement, looking for all the world like an middle class hunting doublet. He wears a dark grey/black cloak, that looks to be of gnomish make, this cloak also conceals anything that might be under it. There is a black sashling across his body, and he wears a Black belt that has a 2 red strips on it. Two small pouches hang from the belt as well as most of his weapons. A strange case hangs from his belt as well, it looks like a reinforced map case, but is about the size of the palm of ones hand. On his sleeves are a pair of simple blacked metal bracers backed with a soft black leather to make them more comfortable to wear. There is one throwing dagger in each bracer, one in each boot, and there is also a cord of leather wrapped around his left bracer. There is a shortsword at his side, as well as a strange two bladed dagger. On his back is a longsword, and his bow is usually carried there as well.

The bow is of obvious elven make and is made of a black wood, with dark grey metal reinforcement. The fletching on the six arrows that he carries with his bow are black and red, and the shafts are made of the same black wood. All of his weapons look well taken care of and that they have seen some use, the pommels show good care has been take to clean them. He wears a pair of black elven shoes, and his hands are covered by black Evermeet gloves.

Asrai rides Doombringer, a medium sized mount with a sleek moonstone gray coat with matching but silky mane and tail. Doombringer has a fine head with large almond shaped silvery-green eyes that show excellent intelligence, small feathered ears, and wide nostrils. He has a strong solid neck, heavy shoulders and a well-muscled body with a longish back. His legs are strong and slender, with small, hard feet. When Doombringer moves thru the shadows, he virtually disappears. Upon close examination, it appears that Doombringer's hoofs' do not actually touch the ground, but float an average of 1/4" to 1/2" off of it.

Asrai's traveling companion is a Pseudo Dragon by the name of Zabora, he is an unusual Red-Black instead of the normal reddish-brown. Zabora is roughly a foot and a half in length, but weighs less than 4 pounds. Zabora seems to be more reserved than the normal playful Pseudo Dragon, but she shows much more interest and excitement than her companion.

Light Riding Horse - Mostly used as a pack animal. This horse closely resembles that of the Rashemen pinto breed. Fang has a few distinguishing markings, his muzzle has a black blaze or star on it, his ears are a dark red/brown in color, the underside of his jaw has the same red color, and he has two white stripes that look like fangs on either side of his mouth. Otherwise, he has the normal pinto random color patches.

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