Quest for the Dragon's Eye      

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Asrai

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Blade

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Boots

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Callwynne

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Emil

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Ferryk

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Litha

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Mattea

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Merialla

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Rafe

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Ril

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Sardielle

btn30117.gif (1170 bytes)Y'sarn










Over a century and a half ago on the world known as Avairya in the city of Port Shalos a tiny elven child was born. Mother Veraya and father Blyn'al named their daughter Daen'ilitha. From the very start she was a boisterous, curious child, always getting into something. No amount of coaxing, pleading, or discipline could interest her in what they wanted her to get into (or keep her off the roof). They had hopes she’d show affection for her father's in dusty tomes or her mother's bright spell-lights…but no luck. It was always climbing this or overturning that or scattering the contents of any container far and wide. Nevertheless, she grew to adulthood.

"Litha" appears to be about 20-22 human years. She stands 5' 3" tall and weighs in at a whopping 9 1/2 stones, svelte and soft in all the right places. Her ears are pierced three times just above the fleshiest part of the lobes, sporting a peridot stud between two silver-colored earrings, a tiny rose bloom connected to a bird of some type by a fine chain.. Her hair and eyes (pupils included--most of the time) are both bright silver. Her hair falls past her hips. Her skin is like alabaster, white with the palest of pale red underhues. She loves the bustle of city life and can usually be found spending her winters (favorite time of the year) drinking in the splendors and activity of Avalon, City of Miracles. Like most of her kind, she's a friendly, fun-loving spirit. Litha loves to wander, singing for her accommodations and small luxuries even occasionally doing ornate decorative embroidery on clothing for extra coin. When traveling she prefers to wear durable, figure-flattering clothing in shades of light grey, white, black, and charcoal. When performing or in her leisure time, she mixes it up a bit with pastels of silver and green, usually decorated by her own hand in thread-of-silver. She often wears a floppy charcoal hat (like a tam) with a white peacock's feather affixed on the right side with a silver pin in the shape of a songbird--The Silver Songbird is her nickname, won early in her travels/singing career. She is always accompanied by some pleasant scent, usually lavender or spice.

Litha is fond of sensual (the senses, get your minds out of the gutter) pleasures, texture, sight, smell, taste. She's vain about her voice. She prefers natural sounds, especially (of course) the music of songbirds. When she sings, it is usually without accompaniment. Bitter flavors and smells (especially anise) put her in a foul mood but she loves sweet scents and flavors, especially apple (anything). Apple liqueur has gotten her into her fair share of trouble over the years and can be blamed for a black-footed ferret tattoo on the back of her right arm. Other than a birthmark, the only other distinguishing mark she carries at this time is a large, nasty, bright red scar on her right leg--the skin from knee to ankle is shiny, odd-textured and overall without sensation. Litha drinks a great deal of tea and will make herself sick on candied violets should she be given half a chance. When she's not singing or carousing, she will on occasion devote time to studying ancient histories and languages—(about the only trait she picked up solely from her parents)--or whenever possible, assessing the value of gems-- especially those set in jewelry.

She can be a bit of a pack rat but the trait is cyclic. When ever she needs to 'drop everything and go' she will do just that. She's lost more than her fair share of armor and weapons in the last 50 years. To save time and coin, she uses a staff (replacements are easily found) and a short bow (folding-- which doesn't get too encumbering.) She keeps very little (if anything) with her of sentimental or personal value.

Litha's not overly fond of animals and the bigger the animal, the less fond of it she tends to be. Nevertheless she can be found in the company of two. The first is a mare, silver in color and just a touch larger than a light riding horse. Its origin is obviously elven and its disposition magical as when it moves through shadows and darkness it tends to fade or disappear entirely. She is called "Dream Walker" in the common tongue. Also in Litha's company is "Chaori" a light brown monkey, striped in black. Overall it's not longer than 2' in length. Litha's made it a set of clothes (embroidered to match her own) because of the cold weather. She won't take it out unless it responds to "get dressed" by putting on its cloak and two sets of mittens--hands and feet. It always wears a pair of black knee-shorts, compete with a tail-hole for his 16 inch prehensile tail.

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