Quest for the Dragon's Eye

You have been given money, magic, a map and even a reason to journey through-out the known or unknown world in search of a very special Diamond. It is said that there is no other like it in all the known worlds and it's magic is so powerful that it can even raise the dead back to life. When the tales of the artifact were first discovered, it was thought to be merely a legend based on nothing more than superstition. But why would so many people be looking for a mere myth, can it be true?

Well, there must be some truth to the stories that are being told and it is said that even the most outragous legends are based on a certain amount of reality. Apparently your benefactor believes in this theory because he has bankrupted himself to provide your group with funds and equipment enough to at least begin the search. He believes in it enough that he is allowing you to keep any and all treasure you find to continue bankrolling your search, with the exception of only one thing, the item for which he has sent you on this quest. This item is known only as The Dragon's Eye Diamond.

Will you be among our heroes in this quest of good?

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